

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Meet Our Other 2 Kids

This is Palden.  He lives in India.  We sponsor him through Compassion International.  We made the decision to sponsor him January 25, 2010.  He sends us the sweetest letters and draws neat pictures.  He is 8 years old.  His life is very different from my boys.  We pray for him every night and if you have ever been in our home his picture is on our fridge. 

This is Mercy.  She lives in Kenya.  After sponsoring Palden I felt drawn to take on another child so January 28, 2010 we became Mercy's sponsors.  She is on our fridge as well.  She is 11.

Each month we are drafted what amounts to one meal out for our family and that money is sent to provide for educational and physical needs for Palden and Mercy.  Once a year we send an extra Family Gift that they are allowed to use to purchase items for their homes or livestock to help them provide for their families.  At Christmas we are allowed to send another extra gift.  For birthdays we are allowed to send up to $25 to provide for some special things for our child.

Both Palden and Mercy have written to us to thank us from their families and to share with us what they were able to purchase.  Some of their favorite things over the last 2 years have been a goat, chickens, bedsheets, underwear and new school supplies.

Both Palden and Mercy love them some Jesus.  They write such heartfelt letters and ask about their brothers...Patrick...Josh...Colin and how they are doing in their studies and with their chores.  :o)

If you are in any way able to take on sponsoring a child through Compassion this is an amazing way to introduce your child to someone else on the other side of the world and build a relationship by investing in them.

As part of our living deliberately we are going to step up our letter writing to Palden and Mercy each month and see if we can possibly take on one more child.  How cool it would be to have a sponsored child for each of my biological children.

It is one of my dreams to one day be able to go on a Compassion trip and meet both of my other kids and their mothers.  But, should that never happen how awesome to know I'll meet them one day after this world ends.

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