No time for a big long thought provoking post today so just some randomness...
I love when I pick Colin up from daycare he says, "Mommy...turn the music off and let's talk about Jesus some." Then we do the question/answer of his "The Things I Know" and then he comes up with other questions like..."Did God make animals?" "Was God the first boy?" "Is God a girl?" And my personal favorite so far: "Does God tinkle in the potty?"
I also love that he is starting to ask to pray. Now right now his prayers consist of thanking God for people he loves, asking God to keep the animals safe and thanking God for chicken nuggets. Josh is mortified by these prayers..."MOM! He is thanking God for chicken don't pray about chicken nuggets! Are you going to let him do that?"
I love that Josh has a heart for people. He doesn't always know how to verbalize his thoughts/feelings but he is the first one to take his extra change to Sunday School to help buy chickens and goats for people in Africa. He is the first one to take his candy and break it in half to share with Colin. When we were at Disney in October our travel agent had sent the boys several of those glow stick things you can link together and make bracelets and whatnot. We broke them out at the Halloween parade and there were several kids sitting around us. Before I knew it Josh was taking the bracelets and passing them out. This year we want to find ways to help develop this compassion in Josh. He is shy and quiet and it is out of his comfort zone to put himself out there so we want to help him feel more comfortable or at least take some risks.
I love that Patrick even at 15 years old will still run out to chase down my car if I leave for work and forget to hug him goodbye. I love that each morning he sends me a text to say "Hi" or to "Have a good day." Like I said yesterday, he has his teenage moments but overall I've hit the jackpot when it comes to my kids.
I've never been a parent that thinks my kids are perfect and every single tiny thing they do is worth the entire world stopping and taking notice. I know that sometimes they can be selfish, annoying, tattling, whiny and complaining kids who screw up but I think they are pretty awesome and I love them warts and all.
That's okay because sometimes I can be selfish, annoying, tattling, whiny and complaining and boy, oh boy, can I screw up, but my heavenly Abba Father thinks I'm pretty awesome and loves me warts and all too.
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