

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Biblical truths I want my kids to know

Colin is a sponge.  Seriously...he soaks up every tiny piece of information even when you think he isn't listening.  I decided I wanted to work with him on learning truths about God but where to start?  Would he be able to concentrate and memorize things and really get them?  Would he find it enjoyable or would he just be memorizing facts but not know the meaning behind them?

I ran across Catechism for Small can find the link on this blog under the Helpful Links category.  Our Youth Minister mentioned he and his wife do something similar with their children and the idea intrigued me.

So one afternoon after I picked Colin up from daycare I asked him, "Colin...who made you?" and he quickly said, "You did."  So we talked about that and that Mommy and Daddy loved each other very much and wanted to add another sweet baby to our family so we prayed for God to give us one.  That my body carried him but that God placed him there so God made him.  He thought about it for a little while and decided he was good with that then he said, "Tell me another thing about God."  Our afternoon ritual was born.

He calls these question/answers "The Things I Know" and almost each afternoon he will say, "Mommy...teach me another thing to know." 

So far he knows the following:

Who made you?  God

Why did he make you?  For his glory.  {He started out with "For his glory...and to play cars" and we went with that.  Eventually after talking more about it he dropped the playing cars part}.

What else did God make?  EVERYTHING.  This comes with huge hand motions.

Where is God?  EVERYWHERE.  Again...hand motions.

How many gods are there?  There is only one God.

Who is God's son?  Jesus.

How do we show God we love him?  By doing the things he says to do.

I am in awe of how quickly he is grasping the information but not only repeating facts back to me but asking questions and taking the thoughts out further in his 3 year old way. 

I don't expect him to be able to spout theology and explain the Trinity to me just yet but it is way cool to hear him speak truth.

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