

Monday, July 9, 2012

Called out by a 4 year old

John and I don't watch a whole lot of TV.  Mainly we watch HGTV and lots of cooking shows.  However, we do enjoy the show Modern Family.  In fact, we crack up at Modern Family.  One of the main characters, Phil, reminds me of John in minor ways so I jokingly call him "Phil" at times.

John's birthday was this past week and I found a talking card that had Phil on it.  As soon as I saw it I knew it would be the card for me to give him.

Phil thinks of himself as quite the hip Dad.  He mortifies his children and wife at various times but he has a heart of gold. 

We put cards up on our fireplace mantle for about a week then we pack them away or toss them depending on how full the card drawer has gotten.

On Friday I was in the living room straightening up for some friends who were stopping by and Colin was helping me.  I was taking the cards down and he asked me if any of the cards sang or talked.  He really enjoys the cards that do.  So I tossed the card my parents gave John that sang and the Phil card to him. 

He danced around to the music on the one card then he opened up the Phil card...

"I'm hip.  I'm cool.  I surf the web.  I text.  LOL.  Laugh Out Loud.  WTF.  Why The Face? OMG.  Oh My God."

And Colin shut the card quickly and looked up at me.  "Why did that man talk about God?"

Being the awesome parent that I am I very quickly said, "Oh...he's just playing around...let's put that card up..." as I reached to take it out of his hands.

But Colin wasn't letting it go.  He looked up at me with those big brown eyes and said, "But we shouldn't say that.  That isn't talking about God nice.  Who gave my Daddy this card?" 


You ever have those moments where you feel like God just thumped you on the head to get your attention?  Ever have one where you felt like he hit you with a 2 X 4? 

So I took a deep breath and sat down on the couch with Colin and told him that he was right.  We don't talk about God like that and it isn't nice and Mommy was wrong to not think about that. 

He listened to my answer then hopped up and said it was okay because God doesn't stay mad at us if we are sorry and he said he would just go throw that card in the trash.

We have been in the middle of a sermon series on James at my church.  Taming the tongue.  Evaluating our speech...what we we say it...who we say it to...

Not that I think Colin has a firm grasp on theology but apparently he has been paying more attention than his Mom...

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