

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I'm sorry...

Colin is on a huge kick lately of say he is sorry for things.  Tiny things.  Things I don't even know what he is talking about.  It is all apologies all the time with him.

When I picked him up from daycare yesterday we did our usual talk on the drive home. 

How was your day?  Good.  I played games.

What was the best part of your day?  Coming home to see your smiling face.  (This is a joke Patrick started months ago and Colin thinks it is hilarious so it continues).

No, really...what was the best part of your day?  Playing games with friends.  Eating.  On that playground.  Running.  Talking about shapes. 

Any bad parts to your day?  Um....maybe so...

Like what?  I made a friend sad.  I sorry, Mommy.

Did you tell your friend you were sorry?  No.  I told you.  You can tell them for me another time.

So we talked about when we hurt someone we should always tell them we are sorry and try really really hard not to do the same thing again. 

He was quiet for a little while then he said, "Mommy?  I'm sorry I stepped on your foot. (This happened about 3 weeks ago).  And I'm sorry that I pulled Bella's tail.  And I'm sorry that I ate all that gum all up.  And I'm sorry that I played with Josh's Legos and then I broke it.  And I'm sorry I shut Daddy's hand in the door of the van (That was a new one to me).  And I'm sorry that I yelled really loud at that fire place (This would be Mizu).  And I'm sorry I hit Patrick." 

I told him that I forgave him for all those things and we would try better. 

The he asked me, "Do you ever have to do sorrys?" 

Do I ever. 

Then we talked about God's heart being hurt when we do things and how we talk to God and tell Him we are sorry and then we try really really hard not to do it again. 

I think all this must have sunk in because last night he mentioned to his brother, "You got mad at me when I played your game and broke it and you yelled at me and made me sad and then you didn't say you were sorry.  That hurts God's heart..."

Oh, boy.  Back to the drawing board.

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