Came across this story in a book I was looking through yesterday and it was such a great image.
It seems a lady was on the beach watching her young son and his father play in the surf. The waves were crashing in and she watched him play...his whole face lighting up with happiness.
But then the waves took a turn and they seemed to be getting stronger. She saw him get knocked down a couple times and her heart clenched. Should she run to him? Should she step in and scoop him up out of harm's way? She readied herself to run down to her child.
Then she realized he was still laughing and playing and that his father was right by his side, making sure he was safe. He would reach up to his father from time to time and let him lift him above the chaos. She realized that had she stepped in and taken over the situation her child would have missed an experience he was enjoying. He didn't want her at that moment. He wanted his father. He trusted his father to take care of him and keep him safe.
It then struck her how often she did that in situations in her life. Step in and take control because she thinks she knows best. Her way is the right way. She is in control.
Um...this is kinda sorta me. Maybe just a tiny bit...
And it also struck many times has her doing that blocked someone from the cross? Kept them from their Father when that was what they really wanted and needed.
She made it a point to then start praying that God show her times she was blocking the cross from someone in her life. That maybe her role was to walk beside them but not to step in front of them and keep them from what they truly wanted and needed. That their Father can be trusted to take care of them and keep them safe according to His ultimate plan.
Wow. Kind of puts things in a different perspective. Here's hoping I learn to step back and out of the way with my boys at times. I don't ever want to block them from the cross.
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